Boundless Leadership Alumnae Network Event

What Mom Didn’t Tell Me: Perimenopause, Women’s Health, and Career Management: Women don’t often learn about the hidden barriers to progress when they first start their careers, and stigma around women’s health limits the guidance women receive when facing their unique health journey. This is especially true when health issues relate to one of the three Ms (menstruation, motherhood, and menopause). Madeline Toubiana, Associate Professor at the Telfer School of Management and the Desmarais Chair in Entrepreneurship has focused one area of her research on perimenopause and how it affects women’s career-related experiences and outcomes. Join Professor Toubiana, moderator Ingrid Richter PhD, and other alumna of Boundless Leadership for an enlightening talk on one of the most taboo M’s and how to balance navigating the complexities of women’s health with career progress. Light refreshments will be served.
4/17/2024 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
99 Bank Street Suite 200 Ottawa K1P 6B9
Registration is closed.